Biometric Services & Solutions

With the number of identity credentials associated with individuals increasing, authentication of these is becoming a top priority for enterprises and government applications. In today’s world, the protection of information is among the most critical concerns. Traditional password based and token based technologies are proving to be incapable of handling these increasing demands in a cost efficient and secure manner. Biometrics is the process of recognizing an individual based on the person’s physical and behavioral characteristics like fingerprints, face, iris, voice, signature and others. These characteristics are unique to the individual,provide a higher level of security, and do not suffer from disadvantages of the other technologies.

Saifirst Biometric Services

Saifirst understands that biometric solutions do not follow the “one size fits all” paradigm. With its extensive experience in biometrics R&D and expertise in technology development, Saifirst is positioned to provide vendor and technology neutral solutions to your challenges. Our services include:


Our team is experienced in collecting functional requirements and converting them into effective solutions


Saifirst has extensive experience in developing applications that leverage biometrics capabilities.

Biometric Consultation

Saifirst understands that biometric solutions do not follow the “one size fits all” paradigm. With its extensive experience in biometrics R&D and expertise in technology development, Saifirst is positioned to provide vendor and technology neutral solutions to your challenges. Our services include:

We are available 24x7 for you

Call Us Now +1 877-724-3477 – USA OR 630-863-4216 – Worldwide