IoT Security

IoT is the next generation of future and some have estimated this market to exceed over $300 trillion since the IoT devices are counted to be in Billions already. This provides a huge opportunity for IoT but how safe are your IoT devices? How safe is your data and/or network from attackers? IoT devices used to access your critical data or systems are breaking new ground and so are the security challenges. Number one thing corporations and stakeholders must realize IoT is not IT.

As of today, IoT security is the main concern for most of the organizations, business owners and executives. Along with the technical challenges, IoT security is one of the the main agenda on the business owners list. With more than just reputations at stake, it is imperative that technology providers, system adopters and IoT users work together to ensure security is in place before using any IoT devices. Convenience must not be prioritized over security. It is fundamental to the adoption of systems and reaping the social and business benefits.

Secbay provides wide range of services & solutions for IoT. We have developed clear best practices in order to make the use of IoT in a secured and appropriate manner for systems in place.  Some of our services includes conducting various tests on IoT devices and the network for your safety because we want you to protect your corporate and personal assets and as well as value your privacy & safety.


Our Goal is to make sure you and your organization utilize the convenience of IoT devices in a productive and secured manner.

Domestic Services

Domestic services smart homes,smart cars,smart refrigerator,schools and automobiles are considered.Under domestic services the data security and privacy are main concerns.

Industry Services

Any automated units like Manufacturing units,Automobile unit,hospitals,transportation,malls,retail marts are considered under industry services.Where security is most important as it leads to loss of lives or loss of money .when these system are hacked .The security provided for domestic are different to industry.

IoT Security services

IoT Pentesting

beyond basic analysis to consider the whole ecosystem of the IoT technology, covering every segment and how each impacts the security of the whole. Our testing includes the IoT mobile application, cloud APIs, communication and protocols, and embedded hardware and firmware


communications to and from the device is tested vigorously. This includes testing the cryptographic security of encrypted transmissions, the ability to capture and modify transmissions of data, and fuzzing of the communication protocols. We will assess the security of communication protocols and determine the risk to your organization and clients. This includes capture and detailed analysis of network communications protocols


extract and examine the content of the firmware in an attempt to discover backdoor accounts, injection flaws, buffer overflows, format strings, and other vulnerabilities. We will also assess the device’s firmware upgrade process for vulnerabilities and perform a secure boot review process to ensure that public key encryption and upgrade functionality is secure.


physical security and internal architecture of the device –including internal components – to determine the breadth and depth of its physical attack surface. This service may include component indication, firmware extraction,identification of test points, and re configuring the device’s hardware to bypass authentication, intercept traffic, and/or inject commands that may pose a significant risk to your organization and clients.

We are available 24x7 for you

Call Us Now +1 877-724-3477 – USA OR 630-863-4216 – Worldwide